Interaction with Nature

Hi everyone. In my last blog I mentioned that I tried propagating plants but it never worked for me.

This year in 2020, during the lockdown, every one was disheartened by COVID-19. People are unemployed. No food to feed the family, corona is spreading world-widely. Number of cases are increasing everyday. Yet everyone is fighting with daily challenges. Apart from these issues one more thing was also spreading, "Depression".

Due to lockdown people were bound to stay home. What to do? 

I felt like there is nothing left in life. Life became more challenging and stressful. During the lockdown I propagated a few plants. Chameli (Jasmine), Aloe Vera, Besharam ka podha (Portulaca grandiflora/also known as Moss Ross). Portulaca grown easily through stem cutting and suitable for every kind of soil. It does not require much care. The plant needs direct Sunlight to Bloom. It can be grown in Pots or Garden or in Hanging Baskets. It loves dry hot weather and so during the lockdown I tried growing Portulaca and also did the seeding of Tulsi (Holy Basil). I waited for a few weeks. Pigeon plucked out Portulaca plant and Tulsi seeding didn't Work.😞 Jasmine n Aloe Vera dried out/died after a week.

Then I thought if I can't even grow Holy Basil or Aloe Vera. What's the point of my life if I can't give life to someone. I was already depressed because of unemployment. Then one day I thought about Money Plant and thought to give it a try. Though I failed in the past, growing money plants too. Like every other my failure stories about plants.

I stole one stem of a Money PlantπŸ˜…. For the first time ever in my life I grew it in a Glass Bottle. This time I kept it in a shady or dark place, where light can’t reach directly. Changed water every after 10 days. The day I propagated a Money Plant, I got one assignment and yes there was a Hope now. I was smiling. I always wanted a money plant in my life, in my home. 

Money plant gave me strength to grow more plants and it focused me on my work too. And now I don't want my plants to die.

I have this feeling that these plants bring happiness and positive vibes in my life. πŸ˜

Next post: The plants we can grow in a small balcony.


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